Order a Test
A Very Discreet, Private STD Clinic
- We offer same day or next day appointments and allow you to book your appointments online
- We now offer Instant HIV Testing!! Negative Results in 20 Minutes!!
- We test and treat, while others only test
- Appointments available
- Multiple locations with some open on Saturdays.
- Just tell the receptionists that you are here for "testing"
- Private consultation rooms to discuss what testing you want
- Most test results are available in 48 hours
- Private consultation with Clinician before or after testing available
- We offer early detection HIV testing (as early as 9-11 days after exposure)
- All testing done with a simple blood sample, urine sample and/or oral tests that are done by collecting a sample from the back of the throat. (no physical exam needed)
- Testing results are available in our cloud based patient portal, or you may them e-mailed to you or pick them up in-office with your photo ID.
- Clinician will call you and review all positive results.
- Your credit card statement will discreetly show payment to "e7 Health"
- We do not accept insurance, however, we do put all the insurance codes on your invoice so you can submit it to your insurance for full/partial reimbursement if it is a covered benefit.
Know Your Status, Get Tested Today!
Individual Tests
We Now Offer Instant HIV. Know Your Status Today. $99.99
- Chlamydia & Gonorrhea$169.99
- Oral Chlamydia & Gonorrhea$169.99
- Herpes 1$79.99
- Herpes 2$79.99
- Syphilis$79.99
- Early Detection Syphilis$99.99
- HIV 1 & 2 (Fourth Generation)$79.99
- Early Detection HIV$199.99
- Hepatitis A$79.99
- Hepatitis B$79.99
- Hepatitis C$79.99
- Trichomonas$109.99
8 Panel Test - $289.99
- Chlamydia
- Gonorrhea
- Herpes 2
- Syphilis
- HIV 1 (Fourth Generation)
- HIV 2 (Fourth Generation)
- Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis B
8 Panel Test + Instant HIV - $299.99
- 8 Panel (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes 2, Syphilis, HIV 1 (Fourth Generation), HIV 2 (Fourth Generation), Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B)
- Instant HIV Test (negative results in 20 minutes)
10 Panel Test + Instant HIV - $399.99
- 8 Panel (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes 2, Syphilis, HIV 1 (Fourth Generation), HIV 2 (Fourth Generation), Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B)
- Hepatitis A
- Trichomonas
- Instant HIV Test (negative results in 20 minutes)
10 Panel Test - $349.99
- 8 Panel (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes 2, Syphilis, HIV 1 (Fourth Generation), HIV 2 (Fourth Generation), Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B)
- Hepatitis A
- Trichomonas
Premier Complete STD Panel Test - $409.99
- 8 Panel (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes 2, Syphilis, HIV 1 (Fourth Generation), HIV 2 (Fourth Generation), Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B)
- Hepatitis A
- Trichomonas
- Oral Chlamydia
- Oral Gonorrhea
Premier Complete STD Panel Test + HIV - $449.99
- 8 Panel (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Herpes 2, Syphilis, HIV 1 (Fourth Generation), HIV 2 (Fourth Generation), Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B)
- Hepatitis A
- Trichomonas
- Oral Chlamydia
- Oral Gonorrhea
- Instant HIV Test (negative results in 20 minutes)
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea & Trichomonas - $189.99
Play This Video To Hear More About Our STD Testing Services
What is Trichomonas?
Trichomonas is a protozoan (parasite) that is sexually transmitted disease. It is caused by the organism Trichomonas vaginalis and can be passed to others without knowing it. Women usually get the infection in the vagina. Women also commonly have a coinfection with bacterial vaginosis up to 60-80% of the time. Men usually get the infection in the urethra (urine canal).
Who is at risk?
Women can get the disease from infected men or women. Men usually get it only from infected women. Anyone who has had a new sexual partner or multiple sexual partners is at risk. Sex without protection is another risk factor. Partners who have Trichomonas can reinfect each other if not treated properly. People at age 15-24 are found to be most at risk.
What are the signs and symptoms?
In women, Trichomonas can range from no symptoms in as many as 50% of infections to symptoms ranging from thick vaginal discharge with odor associated with burning itchiness, pain with urination, lower abdominal pain, and pain with intercourse. Sometimes bleeding after intercourse may occur.
In men, up to 75% may not have any symptoms. When symptoms are present, men may feel an irritation or burning feeling inside the penis or have discharge from the penis.
You should be tested for Trichomonas if you have any of the symptoms listed above or if your partner has trichomonas or symptoms that might be trichomonas. The test is performed by a simple urine test and results are available in 3-5 business days. The APTIMA urine test for Trichomonas is the most recommended and accurate in comparison to all other Trichomonas tests. Trichomonas is increasing in prevalence so there is an increasing trend to screen for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichomonas, all with the same APTIMA urine test.
Trichomonas can be cured with antibiotic. Once the antibiotic is taken, it is important to avoid intercourse until they and their partners have completed treatment and are without symptoms, which generally takes about a week. Reinfection is possible if sexual partners are not treated or from a new sexual partner.
Other Info
Our private clinic is supervised by Board Certified Physicians. We also have on staff Board Certified Clinicians, Licensed Registered Nurses and Medical Assistants. Our staff is discreet and professional. We provide complete STD testing. Our testing is fast, reliable and very affordable. All our laboratory testing are drawn in our office. This provides our clients the convenience of having their laboratory testing and consultation (if requested) and treatment all at the same location. Our friendly and professional staff will be able to answer all your questions regarding STD testing. We can also provide a full consultation with our clinicians (with an appointment) before and after your testing if you wish. Our clinicians can offer you all the treatment options if needed. Why go to a STD clinic where you also can't get treatment? We provide both testing and treatment.
In addition, we carry vaccines that can help prevent certain STDs such as:
- HPV Vaccine
- Hepatitis B Vaccine
- Hepatitis A Vaccine